About Us

Pamela Thompson is a mother, designer, writer, editor, and teacher. Following the tradition of Black women writers and editors such as Zora Neale Hurston, Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, and Alice Walker– who poignantly and poetically make universal the very specific experiences of Black women– she jumps at most opportunities to story-tell Black girlhood, womanhood, and motherhood adding her voice to the chorus of Black women writers making our experiences complete on the page.

Most of her professional work has been iterated while serving in leadership at non-profit organizations founded and led by Black women. She’s created and facilitated writing spaces and curricula for Black girls and women, advocated for the academic experiences of Black girls and their families as an education activist, and helped produce Jam Sessions where Black women employ design thinking to create positive outcomes for their own maternal health and wellness at The Renee.

She is the founder and chief designer at Peiea Grace, a blog and boutique that feature stories about her personal experiences in mothering, homemaking, and living creatively, and a shop where she sells her handmade journals and lettered art. Through Peiea Grace, she designs tablescapes, dreamy spaces for events, hosts experiences and makes space for women to pursue and possess their own comfort and liberation in the midst of their full, busy lives. 

To date, her proudest achievement is the flourishing of her four daughters, aged 5-13, and the artistic, stable, loving environment that she and her husband curate for them daily.

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